Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sweet tooth

You won't have been long in Brazil before you notice that the Brazilians have a sweet tooth. Even their cars have a "sweet tooth" also as some of their enormous sugar cane production goes to produce ethanol for cars.They love their sweet biscuits, pastries and cakes, but perhaps most of all their sorvetes (gelatos). Here's a shop near the beach offering 50 flavours. I found the gelato good, but sweeter than I am used to. I asked for abracaxi (pineapple) and jaca (jackfruit), but I ended up with abracate (avocado) and goiaba (guava), because jaca was not available so I changed that to goiaba, and they heard abracaxi as abracate as I'm not good enough to pronounce them distinctly. (The Brazilian te is pronounced like chi.) Anyway, it looks like from the tick next to it, abracaxi was not available anyway, like jaca. The avocado gelato was actually quite good, if unusual.


  1. Do they have those little stalls where you can get a quick shot glass of strong black coffee and then be on your way?

    Or is that only for frenetic city-slickers?


  2. Yes, but it's at a lower level of sophistication. You will find hawkers with a pump thermos of black coffee (don't know if already sweetened) and lots of shot-glass sized plastic cups. You pay him a little money and he serves you a shot of coffee. Sometimes you serve yourself if he's too busy. Often the coffee business is a sideline to the main product which might be tapioca pancakes, for example. No caps or flat whites. That reminds me I should write a post on Brazilian coffee.
